(Online) Research
EU Databases
- Official Website of the European Union
- EUR-Lex: EU law, EU case-law
- N-Lex: entry point to national law databases on individual EU countries
- Legislative Observatory European Parliament
- European Parliament's public register website
- IPEX: Interparliamentary EU Information Exchange
- Register of Commission Documents
- Press corner of the European Commission
- The EU's Assembly of Regional and Local Representatives
- EESC: Database of the European Economic and Social Committee
- Databases of the individual EU institutions (and their historical archives)
- CORDIS: EU research findings
Data collections
- Eurostat: Statistics
- Eurobarometer: Surveys, Public Opinions in the European Union
...and more
- Library of the University of Vienna, Law Library
- Clusterbibliothek, Stubenring 1, 1010 Wien
- beck-online: legal database